BASS Nation of Virginia Youth JSQ2 and JSQ3 State Qualifiers are complete. What a great weekend of competition!
The team battled everything from strong winds,rain,and 2 different seasons (literally) ,as well as 70+ high school teams and 40+ junior teams both days from all 3 divisions.
Saturday's results from the North Division .
1st. Mason/Andrew
3rd. Caleb J. (solo)
High school
4th. Logan/Caleb S.
6th. Dylan/Troy also took Big Fish 4.31lbs.
7th. Hunter/Owen
8th. Logan/Tripp
Sunday's results from the North Division.
2nd. Cole/Gavin
3rd. Jackson S./Parker
4th. Mason/Andrew
5th. Beckett/ Jackson J.
High school
1st. Logan/Caleb S.
5th Logan/Tripp
10th. Matthew/ JK
We'd say we had a STRONG performance and represented our sponsors and the communities who have stood behind this team since day 1.
Congratulations to everyone who participated and to those who have now punched their tickets to the State Championship!